Saturday, December 20, 2008

The spirit of love

The best part of being in love is when you just love a person and be happy about it. Even is that person can never be yours and you know that it won't last forever. That's the true essence of love. It's not about winning someone, it's not about owning a relationship, it's just being about being happy because you know you have loved someone. It's about being guiltless because you know you did'nt take away someone away from anybody, you just love and love selflessly. Take time to listen to your heart. Sometimes you need not ask yourself who you really love most, bust ask who really makes you happy and who makes you feel loved.


Anonymous said...

Love so beautiful like your smile. :)

Maus said...

the spirit of love during christmas happy new year po!

merlyn said...

thank you Aiwy, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

merlyn said...

you're right Maus, tnx and God bless!