Friday, June 12, 2009

111th day of Independence

Today June 12, 2009 marked as the 111th day of Independence here in Philippines. No work, no class today to celebrate freedom. Are we really free? As I understand Independence day is an annual celebration commemorating of independent statehood. Are we really free? We even encourages foreigners to invest here in our country and we even patronizing imported products. To show for being Filipino patronize our own products and use our own language. And we are not completely free because we are not politically free and we are not economically stable. We cannot do anything because don't have capability and some countries control us. Freedom for Filipinos should define what it really means and I also hope that Filipino people will open their eyes to the political unrest which lead to action to the way of genuine independence and the proclamation of independence should be really meaningful!

1 comment:

EJ said...

happy independence day!

Thanks for the Father's day greetings Ms. Merlyn!